9th March 2021
Williams Shipping puts Safety First
Williams Shipping is retro-fitting its trucks to provide additional safety for vulnerable road users. This means all of its HGVs will meet the Direct Vision Standard for travel into London, even though many will go nowhere near the capital.
The Direct Vision Standard (DVS)
Transport for London introduced the Direct Vision Standard in 2019, in response to the high rate of accidents to cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians involving large vehicles. Non-compliant vehicles in most of the area inside the M25 will be liable to fines from March 2021.
The DVS is based on an understanding that most such accidents are caused by the inability of the HGV driver to see vulnerable road users; exacerbated by lack of awareness from cyclists and pedestrians themselves.
Improving truck safety
The Standard starts with a Vision Star rating supplied by the manufacturer of the vehicle, indicating how much a driver can see directly from their HGV cab without the use of cameras or other devices. Vehicles with a high Vision Star rating can obtain a permit to travel in the designated area.
Adding Safe Systems
Most trucks start out with a low Vision Star rating but can improve their awareness of vulnerable road users by adding Safe System components. These include safety cameras and monitors to allow the driver to see more from his cab, and audible left-turn alert signals to warn cyclists and others that they are about to turn through a blind spot.
Safety for All
Williams Shipping has already fitted ten of its vehicles and is in the process of fitting the remainder of the fleet with Safe Systems, irrespective of whether they will ever travel through London.
“We want our fleet to include Safe Systems to protect vulnerable road-users everywhere,” says Jonathan Williams, Managing Director – Logistics. “We are already installing cameras, indicating speakers and monitors on our trucks, and the whole fleet will meet Direct Vision Standards by the end of the year.”
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