14th July 2020
Wilcarry 250 Retrofitted as Spacer Barge for LNG Refuelling
Our barges are often used as spacers to keep tankers away from the vessel they are refuelling. Even in calm conditions, movement of the vessels can potentially cause damage, especially when equipment like lifeboats overhangs. A flat-top barge is secured alongside the vessel to keep it and the tanker apart.
However when the fuel is LNG, additional precautions have to be made and we have retrofitted Wilcarry 250 for this purpose.
The barge has been stripped of all unnecessary equipment and fitted with a cambered wooden deck that will protect any exposed steel. The deck has had a new paint job and extra handrails fitted. A deluge system will continuously spray sea water over the surface while refuelling is underway, to warm and disperse any LNG.
To protect both vessels we have fitted with rubber fendering on both sides, plus tyres on one. Additional tow points now make it easier to tow the barge away from the vessel once refuelling is complete.