17th May 2021
Williams Shipping welcomes new apprentices
We are pleased to welcome two new marine apprentices to our Pembroke operations. Jamie Gainfort and Osian Lewis started at the beginning of May and will share their time between coursework and hands-on experience at our Pembroke site for 18-24 months.
13th May 2021
The benefits of synthetic lubricants
The marine sector has been slow to change to synthetic lubricants, perhaps due to the higher up-front cost. But using synthetic instead of mineral oil can lead to increases in vessel productivity, as well as better fuel economy, far outweighing the initial oil cost. In this blog we look at the difference and advantages of using synthetic oil.
6th April 2021
Pegasus Bridge dive support
Williams Shipping vessels work in a broad range of marine environments, some of which allow our crews to indulge in a little history. This time they enjoyed a close-up look at Pegasus Bridge, famed for its role in the D-Day landings in 1944.
29th March 2021
Williams Shipping apprentice gains Distinction
We are delighted to celebrate the success of our first Apprentice, Emma Horsefield, who has just passed her final apprenticeship exam to achieve a Distinction in her Level 3 City & Guilds Business Administration Diploma.
How good oil analysis can save you money
As lockdown eases and transport demand grows, the marine industry is among those facing significant increases in the cost of lubricants. But with one simple step you can reduce your overall oil cost, make major savings on fuel, and deliver significant improvements in vessel productivity.