17th March 2015
New Website for Williams Shipping Group
We have been investing digitally in our future and have undertaken a complete rebuild of our website of which you are currently enjoying. We have been working with local Marketing Agency Rooster Creative Marketing over past months to refresh our brand and have undergone a full rebrand.
We then thought why not go all the way and have Rooster Creative add their magic touch and redesign and build our website for us.
Our new website features
- Extensive marine and port service offerings
- Downloadable Specifications for all our vessel fleet
- Details on our Transport Services
- Marine Lubricant finder to identify the lubricant you require
- Our fantastic storage facility availability
Our much anticipated rebranding involved a refresh of all our divisions which include:
- Williams Marine Services
- Williams Transport Services
- Williams Marine Lubricants
- Williams Storage Services
- Willbox Cabin and Containers
This also involved the wrapping of our new addition to the transport fleet, a DAF XF 410, the shiny new DAF sports the latest Hiab with a further 4 trucks having just arrived. Working with local business Adams Morey to bring the new trucks into action.