Health and Safety Policy
This ‘Health & Safety Policy’ follows the requirements of the 1999 Management of Health
& Safety Regulations and 1992 Workplace Health Safety & Welfare Regulations.
These, and indeed other existing Health & Safety regulations within the 1974 Act, require the identification, assessment, and control of risks. Williams Shipping fully support this approach as it is in the best interests of the company, its employees, contractors, customers and those who may be affected by their work activities. The company will fully comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of all relevant statutory legislation and approved guidance. This includes legislation produced by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Williams Shipping are fully committed to the prevention of injury and ill health and to continually improve health and safety management and performance. The company adopts the HSE’s ‘Managing for Health and Safety’ (HSG65) guidance and the Plan, Do Check, Act approach. To this end it has established systems to set, achieve and review measurable health and safety objectives.
Williams Shipping accepts its responsibilities to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all of its employees whilst at work. Health and Safety will always be given the highest priority across the business.
The Policy sets out the following three main objectives:
1. To provide the framework for developing a safety culture within the company including adequate financial resources. This will include information, instruction & training, adequate supervision, safe working environments and practices, carrying out suitable risk assessments and consultation with employees. Also facilitate the continuous improvement of safety management skills, including emergency preparedness, both ashore and aboard ships
2. To specify management / supervisor and employee responsibilities which include safety responsibilities to themselves and to others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. To co-operate with their employer in complying with their statutory duties under sec.7 1974 Health & Safety at Work Act. And to take necessary steps to ensure that all risks are adequately controlled ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’
3. To secure the co-operation of clients, suppliers, contractors and the involvement of all employees in achieving safe working environments incorporating safe systems of work leading to control of potential accidents
Employees must also refer to the appropriate company health and safety and operational information relating to their work activities. This information is contained in the employee handbook.
The company is committed to meeting the requirements of ISO45001:2018, the ISM Code, all relevant regulatory requirements and guidance and will continue to review opportunities to improve systems and operations to ensure that there is continual improvement.
Environmental Policy
Williams Shipping is an environmentally conscious company. As a multi disciplined organisation we recognise the impact of our operations on the environment and therefore strive to achieve a high standard of environmental performance and to be committed to continual improvement. Priority will be given to preventing and reducing pollution, emissions and waste to their lowest practicable levels and we will promote and maintain correct waste collection, disposal and recycling arrangements across our operations.
To assist in achieving this objective Williams Shipping has implemented and maintains a documented Integrated Management System. This has introduced systems that will set, achieve and review measurable environmental objectives.
The company will fully comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of statutory legislation and approved guidance. This takes into consideration legislation produced and enforced by the Environment Agency, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and any other relevant stakeholders.
All employees will be provided with the necessary resources, equipment, instruction and training to carrying out their duties with concern for the environment. This Policy is communicated to all staff (and sub-contractors) through e.g. notice boards, staff induction and training. All sub-contractors are expected to comply with this policy and co-operate fully with all company arrangements for the protection of the environment. This policy is available to all stakeholders through the website.
All environmental incidents/accidents at a work location will be fully reported, investigated and submitted to the board of directors for appropriate corrective and preventive action to be agreed and implemented.
The Directors have overall responsibility for all environmental matters and are committed to meeting the requirements of all environmental legislation, ISO14001:2015 and applicable industry guidance. The company will continue to review opportunities to improve systems and operations to ensure that there is continual improvement.
Quality Policy
Williams Shipping aims to develop and maintain an effective and efficient service that satisfies the needs of the most exacting client/customer in a timely and cost effective manner. This is achieved by consistently conforming to agreed requirements, policies and procedures.
It is the policy of the company to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees and such information, training and supervision as may be needed. In doing so the company will endeavour to meet clients’/customers’ expectations and where possible, respond to unplanned requirements as quickly as possible.
The SHEQ Manual describes the quality system in operation at Williams Shipping. It explains the way in which the system is operated and defines those employees responsible for the performance of quality related tasks within the company.
The quality system is the means by which the company supports its policy of providing to its customers a high-quality service in accordance with all relevant standards and customer requirements and to provide these products on time.
It is company policy to review the suitability of the quality system to ensure it reflects current operations, and where necessary to implement additional changes.
The company is committed to meeting the requirements of 1509001: 2015 and will continue to review opportunities to improve systems and operations to ensure there is continual improvement.
If you wish to view our entire compliance policy, you can download our compliance policy here: Corporate Compliance Policy 2024